Watercolor Bouquet Wallpaper BL1772
Product Details
Collection Name: Blooms Second Edition Resource Library
Features: Unpasted - Washable - Strippable
Product Dimensions (Standard): 20.5 in. x 33 ft. = 56 sq. ft.
Product Dimensions (Metric): 52 cm x 10 m = 5.2 sq. m
Material: Non-Woven
Match Type: Drop
Repeat: 24 in.
Installation: Unpasted
Watercolor Bouquet Wallpaper is a type of wallpaper that features a floral pattern created with a watercolor painting technique. This type of wallpaper is popular for adding a soft and romantic touch to a room's decor, and is often used in bedrooms, living rooms, or other areas where a serene atmosphere is desired.
Watercolor Bouquet Wallpaper may be available in a variety of colors and designs, with different types of flowers and foliage featured in the pattern. Some watercolor bouquet wallpapers may also include additional elements such as butterflies, birds, or other nature-inspired motifs.
This type of wallpaper may be available from various manufacturers or brands, and may be made from a variety of materials including vinyl, non-woven fabric, or textile fibers. When selecting a Watercolor Bouquet Wallpaper, it's important to consider the quality of the material, the durability of the product, and the compatibility of the wallpaper with your specific needs and application. It's also important to consult with a professional installer if necessary to ensure proper installation and longevity of the wallpaper.