INDIGO VOL.1 4707-1
Product Details
Collection Name: Indigo Vol 1
Product Dimensions (Standard): 3.48 ft x 32.8 ft = 114.25 sq.ft.
Product Dimensions (Metric): 106 cm x 10 m = 10.6 sq.m.
Material: Vinyl
The Adawalls Indigo Vol. 1 wallpapers come in a variety of designs, including floral, geometric, and abstract patterns, all featuring shades of blue and indigo, hence the name of the collection. These wallpapers are made using a high-quality, non-woven material that is easy to install and durable, making them suitable for use in a variety of interior design settings.
If you are interested in purchasing Adawalls Indigo Vol. 1 wallpaper, you may want to check their website or contact a wallpaper retailer that carries their products for more information on availability and pricing.